We know that for some of you this will be your first art fair. It is exciting but can also be overwhelming. So many questions, but don’t fret, we are here to help! Helping new and emerging artists gain the confidence they need to graduate to galleries and larger fairs is what we specialize in. So, some tips:
#1: STAKE YOUR TENT!!!! The last thing you want is to have a big gust of wind lift your tent, scatter your art, and send your tent crashing into the glass artist across from you! You will not only be embarrassed and mortified, but also if you break it you buy it.
- Tip: Invest in good stakes: take a trip to the local outdoors store and find some solid camping stakes. The twisty ones seem to hold the best.
- If you plan on using weights make sure you can’t pick up your tent once it’s weighted. 30 lbs is nothing to a Kansas wind.
- Note: the ADAF does not require a tent, nor do we care what color your tent is. It does need to fit within a 10’x10’ square. We do recommend you think about the Kansas Sun and that weather in September can be hot or rainy.
- ADAF provides one table and one chair guaranteed. If we have extras, we will provide two of each per booth.
- ADAF will also provide a limited amount of artist panels on a first come first served basis. We have redesigned these since so they will be lighter.
#2: Prepare for Weather! Sunscreen, bug spray, hats, jacket, umbrella… check the weather and prepare accordingly. The ADAF goes on rain or shine! We have closed early due to storms but unless the weather is extreme the fair will go on. We do not have a rainout date.
#3: Tell Everyone You Know: Never discredit word of mouth advertising.
#4: We recommend a range of prices: Patron’s budgets vary year to year. It is always smart to have a few lower priced options available around the $5 – $10 mark. These can be prints, small canvases, sketches, painted rocks, bookmarks, we have had a wide variety over the years. Some years you may sell one large piece others you will sell all small pieces that can add up quickly.
#5: Sign and date your work: When you are famous someday your signed work will be more valuable. Sign in the lower right hand corner. If using an ink pen we recommend you use an archival pen or acid free, you can find them at most craft stores. Regular pens tend to run and blur over time and can damage the art. Dates can be added below your signature or on the back.
#6: Get to know your day of fair neighbor: Networking is half the fun of an art fair.
#7: Listen to your visitors: On fair day you will have a wide range of people visit your booth, listen to what they say. Past artists will tell you that even if you don’t sell anything, the feed back from the public is worth the $65 fee.
#8: HAVE FUN!!! ADAF is a celebration of community. All day we will have good music, free activities for kids, and you will be surrounded by art, and people who appreciate your creativity. Enjoy it!!!
RULE: Only sell art you created! ADAF allows booth sharing but we need to know two artists are occupying one space. Do NOT try to sell art that you did not create! This is not a fair for you to resell someone else’s creations
You do not need to be a registered business with a FEIN.
You DO need to pay sales tax on any sales made day of fair. A tax form will be included in your ADAF welcome package. You just need to track your sales, figure your sales tax, and follow the directions for payment.
You DO want to be able to take credit card payments. There are a number of sites and ways to do this. Factor any fees into your pricing.
Do spend time on your application bio. We prefer to copy paste and change a few words if needed. A good bio can help you. Most galleries and fairs will request your bio. These can be as short as a paragraph or as long as a page. We recommend you create both, though we will only need the short one.
HINT: Bio’s are generally written in the third person. Example: “Aaron Douglas creates illustrations that address social issues utilizing African-centric imagery. Douglas has a unique artistic style that fuses his interests in modernism and African art. He incorporates parts of Art Deco along with elements of Egyptian wall paintings in his work. Many of his figures appeared as bold silhouettes.”
Your day of fair sign will list your legal name. If you have a business and want people to know about it, bring your own sign for advertising purposes.
Do set up a social media site. We want to be able to point potential customers to you. You don’t need to pay for a website or spend hours setting up the perfect Facebook page. Basic info about you and examples of your work will suffice until you are ready to expand.
HINT: Business cards are great, but a sign with a QR code to your website or social media page works well too.
Do tell EVERYONE you will be showing your art and where: Your family and friends can be your biggest fans. They can be your first customers and the greatest advertisers. Make sure you tell your world you are at the ADAF Art Fair, and they need to stop by and see you!