Artist Info for Fair Day

  • Tip: Invest in good stakes: take a trip to the local outdoors store and find some solid camping stakes. The twisty ones seem to hold the best.
    • If you plan on using weights make sure you can’t pick up your tent once it’s weighted. 30 lbs is nothing to a Kansas wind.
  • Note: the ADAF does not require a tent, nor do we care what color your tent is. It does need to fit within a 10’x10’ square. We do recommend you think about the Kansas Sun and that weather in September can be hot or rainy.
    • ADAF provides one table and one chair guaranteed. If we have extras, we will provide two of each per booth.
    • ADAF will also provide a limited amount of artist panels on a first come first served basis. We have redesigned these since so they will be lighter.